We have exciting news that we have Ben O’Hara joining the coaching team in the role as Head Coach. Ben was previously Head Coach of Frimley LTC for Return Tennis before moving to Scotland with his family. We are fortunate now that Ben is moving back as he is an excellent coach with lots of experience. Ben has worked with most of the Return Tennis team for more than a decade and is an LTA Level 4 Senior Club Coach.
In other great news Coach Sally, who has been working at the club already, finished her second coaching qualification in September which means our coaching team at the club will allow us to introduce more sessions for both children and adults as well as having more coaches available for private coaching.
The new sessions or increased space this term on offer:
Year R-3 – Monday 3.45-4.30
Year 6-11 – Monday 4.30-5.30
Badshot Lea Infants After School Club – Wednesday 3.10-4.10
Year 1-4 – Wednesday 4.15-5
Year 5-11 – Thursday 5-6
Adults all levels – Wednesday 1.30-2.30
Adults all levels – Thursday 6-7 ( stay on for club session at 7pm to practice!)
These sessions will go live on the ReturnTennis app on Saturday 14th December.
If you wish to find out more information on groups or private lesson’s please email info@returntennis.co.uk.