Badshot Lea Tennis Club

Recreation Ground, The Green,
Badshot Lea, Farnham,
Surrey, GU9 9LB.

Useful Contacts

Gillian Hyman

T: 07941 099268
E: Gillian Hyman

Chan To Foo

Match Secretary
T: 07802 410954
E: Chan To Foo

Phil Austen-Jones

Data Protection Officer
T: 07737 246282
E: Phil Austen-Jones

Dan Wilson

E: Daniel Wilson


Simply click here to get directions to BLTC using Google Maps or read the instructions below.

Badshot Lea Tennis Club (BLTC) is located in the middle of Badshot Lea village. North from A31/A325 roundabout, pass Sainbury’s and the Garden Centre on the right. Then turn right past the Green, signposted ‘Recreation Ground’, and follow the road around the Green. There is a small car park in front of the tennis courts.

There is also an alternative car park for members and visitors to use. It is in the Skylark Place gravel car park next to recreation ground, closest post code GU9 9FR.